Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happy first birthday, Miss Violet!

Has it really been a year? In so many ways it feels like the year has gone by so s-l-o-w-l-y! I have definitely been blessed in being able to stay home with Violet. Doing so has come with its own set of challenges, but I am very grateful! Ever since Violet was born she has done things with a very dramatic flair, letting you know loudly that she is in need of your attention. If her personality continues to blossom and grow as it has in the past year, the term "shrinking violet" will never be used in reference to our Violet Jane!

Everywhere we go, people ask, "Is she always this happy?". She thrives on the attention of others and has a very dramatic set of faces to go along with her very big personality. She and I could not be more different in that respect. I hate being the center of attention and having strangers look my way... there is no getting around that when Violet is with me! She literally commands the attention of those around her. If you ignore her, she'll just keep making faces and laughing at herself until you do look at her.

Aside from the hilarious faces and quirky smile, she has quite the bag of tricks with which to amaze. She can clap on command, raise both hands in the air and say "ahhhhhhhh", make growling lion sounds, say "dada, baba, mama" and just today "diddy" (kitty). She can wave hello and goodbye and often does it to anyone who will look without being asked. She gives wonderful kisses and hugs and sometimes will come up to me if I am on the floor with her and wrap her arms around my neck and lay her face next to mine and say "ahhhhhhh".

She isn't walking yet but sometimes we will catch her standing by herself until she notices and then grabs for the closest sturdy object or sits down. Cruising and crawling are the preferred means of transportation. As of this week, she will only accept one handed assistance in walking, instead of both hands, so that's a step! Everyone tells me I won't be so excited when she actually is walking, but truthfully, I am exhausted from carrying her everywhere. She's a big girl!

She LOVES beans. It's just not natural for someone to love beans this much. Maybe it was all of the Mexican food I ate while pregnant? She also loves anything Italian and carbs of any kind. She is definitely her Mother's daughter!

Whether it's nap time or bed time, there is no time for cuddling. She pushes away to get into her crib and finds her blanket and pink stuffed elephant, snuggles up and closes her eyes. We are truly blessed that she is such a passionate sleeper and still taking two naps a day and sleeping through the night on her own.

The girl loves animals! She gets so excited when she sees a dog or cat in person or on TV. We don't have any pets and I definitely give myself a huge guilt trip over it! I know she would go bonkers over having a dog. "It's too much work, Kristin, it's too much work!", I say to myself. She is obsessed with books! Violet loves having Mama and Dada read to her, but the best is when she is sitting by herself and jabbering her own little language as she turns the pages, "reading" to herself. Truly heartwarming! Oh yeah, she is still extremely averse to bubbles. We are talking tears, people.

Violet has been a life changing experience for Adam and I. While we definitely feel 100% more confident now than we did a year ago, we still rely heavily on God to give us direction in her life. We feel incredibly humbled to be responsible for her little life and pray every day that God would call her to Himself at a young age and she will be a woman of great character.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to be Violet's mother. She is constantly a challenge to me and I am continually being broken and changed because of her. As a good friend once told me, "children make you become the person you always should have been." As this first year of her life passes by and we continue on this journey of growing together, I am so excited about what is to come.

Sweet Violet, Mama and Dada and all of your family love you so much. You are incredible.


(side note: we are expecting again! looks like it's time to rename the blog... little baby Salvia is due March 8 of 2012. hello, adventure!)