Saturday, January 15, 2011

Four and a half months... look how far we've come!

As promised, a full Violet post! Two days blogging in a row?? Watch out, internet!

Violet is now four and a half months old and truly a little bundle of joy. Or... an enormous bundle... she weighed 18lbs, 4 oz and was 26 inches long at her check up this week. I am out of breath after carrying her for an extended period of time... time to start using the stroller more often! I have been really lazy about taking quality photos of her lately, but I
did snap this gem a few days ago during her morning nap...

She is such a good sleeper! Her schedule is almost always like clockwork during the day and she sleeps from 9pm-7am without fail. The newborn days were filled with evenings of bouncing and rocking and shushing, trying to get Violet to stop crying! Thankfully, those days have passed and Violet is such a happy baby.

I did a little 4.5 month photo shoot with her yesterday and here are some of my favorites.

Showing off her new skirt/legging combo from aunt mary beth!

My little doll baby.

The best feeling ever is when I walk into her room in the mornings and start talking to her but she can't see me. I see this huge smile break across her face and she starts kicking her legs, waving her arms up and down like a penguin and panting! It's hilarious. Babies truly make you feel like you are the most important person in the world.

Another funny development with Violet is her "o" face.

She first did it when Adam was just talking to her and making faces, trying to get her to copy him. She started doing it over and over and eventually figured out that she got a great reaction out of people when she did it. It is so funny because she'll be making eyes at someone and start smiling at them. Out of nowhere comes the "o" face and she loooooves all of the attention it causes. No sound actually accompanies it, she just stares you down waiting for you to laugh. :-)

One of the milestones doctors look for at this point is rolling over. Violet can do it (she has 4 times in the past 2 months) but she just never wants to! Her doctor said she finds that chubbier babies have a harder time getting over. That makes sense... Vi has a lot going on!

Violet loves baby dolls and anything with a face. She especially loves seeing herself in the full length mirror. She is enamored with herself! She talks and raises her eyebrows and stomps from side to side like a sumo wrestler. She is constantly making us laugh!

Bath time is still not something Violet enjoys very much. I have yet to see a smile in the bath tub! She will splash a little and stare intently as the water is poured over her, but that's about it! I can't wait for her to actually start having fun in the water!

One more thing Vi is famous for is her "pouty face". She usually whips this out around Adam to get attention or strangers that make her uncomfortable. This morning Adam was playing with her and using her stuffed animal to make barking noises, pretending to give her little bites. She did NOT like that game and here is her reaction.

...and the look she gave Adam after...

DRAMA! Hahaha I hear girls are amazing that way. Can't wait! :-)

That's all for now... not a lot going on considering it is an arctic tundra outside! So ready for spring!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Hello again!

Last time I wrote was somewhere along the lines of when this photo was taken...

Violet- 3 months old

Wow, it's been awhile! I am a major procrastinator with blogging and can't make any promises that it will get better! In true Kristin fashion, here follows a long post trying to play catch up where we last left off.

Violet almost 4 months old showing off her Christmas dress!

Violet enjoyed her first Christmas with her Texas family. We were so blessed to be able to spend two weeks there with my family and V loved every minute. I am not sure I held my baby other than to feed her the whole time!

Of course, Vi looked jollier than Santa himself.

Christmas was wonderful and I was able to spend it with the people I love most! Violet was more than spoiled with presents and showered with love the entire time... I think she already has a special place in her heart for Texas!

Christmas morning in her Christmas hats! It was so cute watching her grab and pull the wrapping paper as if she really knew what she was doing.

Yes, all of the girls did wear matching onesies... don't hate!
Violet loved spending time with her Great Grandmother Ruth!

My birthday is a few days after Christmas and we celebrated the big 3-0 with a shopping trip to Anthroplogie and an amazing dinner at Smith and Wollensky in Houston. AHmazing!!!

My Mom's favorite thing to say was "do you want me to hold her???" :-)

My parents threw a huge party for New Years and Violet was rocking her little black dress. We ate and danced and could barely stay up until midnight.... Miss Violet doesn't sleep in so I knew I'd be up at 7am like clockwork no matter what!

Happy 2011! I have the greatest family!

It was so sad leaving everyone. We love Virginia but miss our Texas family terribly. Can't wait to go back!

Adam celebrated his 29th birthday (yeah so, I'm a cradle robber!) this month and we are finally taking a break from all of the partying and gift giving.... until Valentine's Day of course! :-)

Violet is 4 and a half months old now and another post full of photos will follow all about her!!